I do work on things for people by whom I’m not employed. Some people like to call that being a Freelancer, or an Independent Contractor, or a Self-Employed Person. Happily I’ve never been called a Mercenary. Not even by people who were angry with me.
Things I get paid to do:
Precise Thinking: does your logic drive to your conclusions, or do you cherry pick your logic to suit your conclusions?
Careful Analysis: what are the implications of your chosen path? Is it worth thinking about that now? Or should it be thought about later?
Judicious Tradeoffs. Are you solving enough of your problem? When will the other 20% become a problem?
Antifragile Tinkering: sometimes you have to try things out and pay attention to what works and what does not. And then do it again.
Also, code. Mostly in Ruby (and JRuby), but also c, c++, some ocaml and scala.
But mostly, I get paid to Make Things Work.
Ruby on Rails
Rails Engines
React with Rails as backend
and of course haml, slim, css, jquery – the usual suspects
Mostly ruby work is with rails, but…
Ruby without Rails:
There are lots of ways to do http and html without RoR:
Ruby without Web:
Yes, you can even use ruby for things that are not related to http and html:
api wrappers
puma without http
services and clients for tcp, udp, zeromq
custom ETL